Hack Week | #100DaysofCode
At my 9 to 5 each quarter we are given a week to focus on a technology or an area that we want to level up on. This Hack Week I chose Python. I will be posting some of my projects along the way. For the first project I built a simple Tip calculator . This project helps you get a better understanding of Data Types and how to manipulate Strings. https://replit.com/@atomixgray/tip-calculator-start Rock, Paper, Scissors! The main goal of the next project is to get you familiar with Random and using Modules. This was a fun one. https://replit.com/@atomixgray/rock-paper-scissors-start Next up is For loops. What a challenging and fun project. Password Generator https://replit.com/@atomixgray/password-generator-start We are now at “Day 7” and building a Hangman Game . This touches on For & While Loops, IF/ELSE, List, Strings, Range, Modules. “Day 8” brings on another fun challenge creating a Cipher shift code! This challenge teaches you more on functions using ...